
Saturday 9 March 2013

Tomb Raider Review & Gameplay

 Tomb Raider is an action-adventure platform video game.Published by Square Enix and developed   by Crystal Dynamics. Tomb Raider also includes character progression, skill upgrades,side-quests and craft system, platforming exploration and survival mechanics and a campaign that will last around 12 to 15 hours .

Left, Camilla Luddington shes the face and the
         voice of the rebooted Lara Croft

Let me start straight away with that I think, this is one of the best story driven, well written, very well presented game I have played so far this year, not once did i want to put down my pad, not once did i feel I had lost my connection with any of the character.
I really enjoyed this games even though at one point I wasn't even going to play the game again as I was 36% into the game and I jump into somewhere I don't think I was meant to go and I couldn't get out or start at the last checkpoint as it kept starting me in the area I couldn't get out off, so basically I had to start again from the start, which of course I wasn't too happy about!
The game begins with Lara travelling on the ship called Endurance commanded by Conrad Roth, an old friend of the Croft family and former Royal Marine. Also there Reyes Roths lover, as well as several specialists are on board. Alex, a computer specialist, Johah a fisherman, Samantha, Laras old collage friend and also Dr.Whitman who is a celebrity archaeologist who is desperate to make a big find and escape bankruptcy.

The group are searching for the lost Japanese nation of the yamatai against Dr.Whitmans protests,
the ship follows Lara's advice anyway and enters the Dragon's Triangle, an area renowned for
causing ships to disappear. when the ship got struck by a violent storm and splits in two, Lara awakens on a beach but is knocked unconscious by an unknown assailant. This is when we start the nail biting edge of your seat roller coaster ride never in my life have I played a character that gets so beaten, banged up, impaled or shot at, the ordeal she has to go through would make anyone loose their mind but not Lara she battles on bruised and bleeding and still she kicks ass to escape the island.
As you can properly tell I fell in love with this game, at first I thought it was just going to be an uncharted clone but I was wrong, it might have used the uncharted template but with a story to match any AAA Hollywood movie with the action that is fast, brutal and combat that is tight.
Overall this game is a must buy .

Verdict  9/10

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